What Does Living a Balance Life Mean To You?

For me, it’s to have the equilibrium between all aspects of life multidimensionally, in my mind/body/spirit and the relationship to others #thegoldenrule.
Throughout my entire life not only have I gotten a confirmation of the interconnectivity & quantum entanglement between all & everything, but also, at least for the majority of the last 11 years I have lived & studied it deeply…

When I received the word: #thelovetarian & #thelovetarianway followed in the deep meditative state, once again I felt like I was at home with everything. The nature of everything was the unconditional love for self & all, for all is one energetically. We all share the same essence and are made of and from unconditional love.

I believe that deep inside, all of us know it, viscerally we feel it.
When you hold a puppy, or a baby, you feel it, your heart expands and opens…
That’s the pure essence of us – unconditional love…

Why have I chosen to share this while I’m posting a snapshot of myself, my hubby Joakim & our beloved lab Lidziu ( in heaven since this March)…?

Well, in the upcoming book: #thelovetarianway there will be chapters on different aspects of life and one of them is balance. I will share with you the insights I got and how it all connects…
For now, I wanted to show that little snapshop collage focused on food & physical exercise..
I struggled for good part of 30 years with unbalanced approach to the above…

This compilation of photos is from the last 12 months – the most amazing, magical & miraculous year to date.
I attribute it to – yes, you guessed it – balance:) and how all and everything connects…

When I exercised too much and have not rested enough – body suffered. When I ate only, so called healthy foods and completely steered cleared from other options ( that’s: orthorexia – the label of this disorder), I became slightly obsessive and that took away my joy of living.

When I said no to alcohol completely and that seems like a great idea on a surface, but…substances such as good quality, ideally organic alcohol, certain herbs, hallucinogens, etc…believe it or not also have a place on our path to the most ideal health, life & well – enlightenment.

Do you know the etymology of the word: “Spirits”or the meaning of the phrase: “In vino veritas – in wine lies the truth”?
There is a lot of ancient wisdom there, as there is a lot of hidden meaning in our language, I will leave that for the book to elaborate on…

My conclusions as to why this has been the best time of my life to date, comes from finding the balance between all & everything. 

This year, in June to be exact, I was blessed with #thelovetarian insight and I have since truly and deeply chosen to always stand in the truth of my nature –  the unconditional love & live #thegoldenrule, #inspire others to do the same.
And as always, it does all originate from within ourselves, “be the change” & “the kingdom of heaven is within you” – might be some of the wisest words ever uttered.

Thank you for tuning in with me and have a wonderful day!

Much love & light always, I love you unconditionally.

Will you love yourself unconditionally?

XO NataliaPHLovetarian

PS: Please visit my FB page at NataliaPHLovetarian & my Instagram at: NataliaPHLovetarian

About the author NataliaPH

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