Understanding of free will & destiny-The Lovetarian Way | Divinely given free will | Who is Metatron

Understanding of free will and destiny - The Lovetarian Way | Divinely given free will | Who is Metatron 

⌚ Timestamps:

 0:00 - Intro
09:17 - What is an Angelic perspective on understanding free will and destiny
11:56 - Does the creative essence within us help us explore the unknown?
13:45 - When did Jill Harrison begin receiving insights from spirit
15:29 - How does one know if the insights received are genuine or imagination
19:18 - Who is Metatron?
23:32 - Jill Harrison's work with Spirit
24:29 - Q&A - Is there anyone watching over me, I never felt anyone's presence, what can I do?
30:07 - Q&A - Divinely given free will
35:05 - Q&A- What do seer dream mean to a person?
40:49 - Q&A - I have a lot of vivid dreams where I see and hear spirits but then some parts are not clear, I think I might have a block. What should I do?
45:33 - Q&A - I am the seer I saw my ex-husband pass, I dreamt this two nights ago. I dreamt of the passing of all my grandparents and uncles. Now I am concerned about my sons' and father
55:18 - The importance of focusing on love, light, and peace; We are one
56:16 - Q&A - I think I may have blocked my spiritual ability. Do you know a way to open it
01:01:08 - How can people work with Angel Messenger - Jill Harrison
01:04:26 - What's coming up in the next episode

Episode 3 of The Lovetarian Way Show on Spiritual Psychics TV with Jill Harrison - Angel Messenger, Mentor & Author

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πŸ¦‹ The Lovetarian Way Movement Contributes to: 

πŸ‘‰ Co-creation of Win Win Win Solutions The Lovetarian Way
πŸ‘‰ The Elevation of Humanity’s Consciousness - to Embrace its Sovereignty, Unconditional Love & Co-create Heaven on Earth Realities where All Beings Thrive & Prosper, Living their Unique MagicK…

πŸ’– With Love & Light
From my heart to yours
πŸ™ Namaste
✨ Natalia aka NataliaphLovetarian
🌞 Creatrix of the Lovetarian Way Movement
🌞 Master Guide on The Lovetarian Way

🎬 Previously aired podcasts: 

✨ Reflexology for your best health with Rubina Morton - Reflexology Practitioner 

✨ Developing Your Intuition with guest Colin Lewis - Shaman, Astrologist, Magician
✨ Breathing techniques for your best health with Tanya Plahay - Yoga & Meditation Teacher, Sound Healer

About the author 


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